4.1 Investment Thesis Canvas
CourseWhat is an investment thesis? How do you develop an investment thesis? What do different investment theses, for different funds look like?
4.2 Fund Strategy Index
CourseLearn what a fund strategy vs a fund investment strategy is and how to quickly sketch out your fund investment strategy on a one-page layout.
4.3 Emerging Fund Manager Strategy Canvas
CourseWhat is "strategy" for emerging fund managers? What does the strategy for Europe's latest gender-smart fund look like? How can you visualize your emerging fund strategy?
4.4 Fund Strategy Canvas
CourseA one-page fund strategy canvas. High-level strategy for funds. Case study: Contrarian Ventures
4.5 Fund Ecosystem Map
CourseWhat is a "fund ecosystem"? How is World FUnd - the climate VC - building their fund ecosystem as a competitive advantage? How can you get started developing your fund's ecosystem?
4.6 Meet Climentum Capital
CourseMeet and understand how Climentum Capital raises its fund.